THANK YOU shadowtwinz!!!!!! I received the card and the Deathly Hallows journal in the mail!!!!! ;_;!!!! You're so amazing, thank you thank you for that!!! Also I got the Eric Stuart autograph FINALLY @_@ *kills Canada post* <3333!!!
and THANK YOU didgeridoodle!!!!!!! OTL ;_;!!!!!! for the $25.00 for the blue contact lenses!! I'll be getting a pair for this con season. OTL!! You are my favourite person ever!!
So glayish and I recently added Katsucon to our con roster! Thanks to Rock nam Lee and his gf we'll be driving down together and rooming at the Gaylord hotel with them!
Potential Costumes
* Amelia wil tesla Seyruun (with glayish as Zelgadiss)
Gonna TRY to get this done! Finally need to stop pushing it back...
* Zane Truesdale (or) Atticus Rhodes (with glayish as Alexis Rhodes)
Been meaning to cosplay more YGO GX! Though I don't have the GX dueldisk haha OTL.
I'm thinking we'll do either one or the other to cosplay as a pair... it's just getting so hard to choose tag teams OTL.
* Young Son Gohan
So I've been saying I'd cosplay this version of Gohan for YEARS. I've had an XL punky wig saved up and stored for ages just to do this. This is so damn easy I just never got around to it OTL. Anyway I've got the wig in progress! So this should be done simply. I'll wear it to bum around in alone unless I end up bringing something else to cosplay with somebody.
* Nyotalia North Italy
Hell lol, can't convince glayish or _anatra_ to cosplay Nyotalia with me XD;; They've cosplayed more than enough Hetalia already to pander to me lmao; OTL.
Really just have to figure out what to finish;;;
Anyway it'd be nice to see people on the East Coast U.S.A. again, considering Otakon was kind of immensely fail for meeting up.
Totally missed the Toronto Cosplay Skating get together this past Saturday (lol sleep schedule is fucked from staying up till 5am), but managed to get downtown for some Japanese food with SutekiGo, Aerialdown, Iggyboo, LiquidCocaine-Photography, and Kaiser-Mony! We did some quick karaoke afterward then went home. The weather in Toronto has been beautiful considering it's January o_0!
In other news, made it to Season 3 of Star Trek: The Original Series (and got the Star Trek movies on Blu-Ray for boxing week), so I'm plowing through yesteryear. It's funny, the Star Trek (2009) J.J. Abrams movie (AND ITS SEQUEL WHICH BEGINS FILMING THIS WEEK) is what made me want to watch ST: TOS in the first place.... (I grew up with The Next Generation, DS9, and Voyager) .... but the MORE I watch the original, the LESS I like what was done with the script and especially Spock in the rebooted movie. They fucked up his character so bad. Even though the actor Zachary Quinto looked the part and did a great job, it just seems like it was way too much to change for Spock. seriously? giving Spock romantic interludes with Uhura? Ruins the whole classic McCoy vs Spock banter on feelings. Not to mention there was a serious lack of a political and socially just message for humanity. A lot of action and amazing scenes, but, it's not Star Trek: TOS unless there is some kind of allegory for the current political discourse.
>:U ffff.
Anyway, I also started watching the BBC series Sherlock. WHY? Because my Tumblr dash has been full of Sherlock since I got it, and Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock) is cast as a lead in the Star Trek rebooted movie sequel. I had to see what was going on with that... and wow LOL. I didn't realise that all the .gifs and slashy quotes were actually REAL. Not that I'm slashing indiscriminately until I watch more, but I can see why it's gotten so popular.
TBH I never watched Sherlock because I disliked the Sherlock Holmes movie starring Robert Downey Jr. & Jude Law. But I'm liking the BBC television series, if only because it's not steam-punk theme'd.
and THANK YOU didgeridoodle!!!!!!! OTL ;_;!!!!!! for the $25.00 for the blue contact lenses!! I'll be getting a pair for this con season. OTL!! You are my favourite person ever!!
So glayish and I recently added Katsucon to our con roster! Thanks to Rock nam Lee and his gf we'll be driving down together and rooming at the Gaylord hotel with them!
Potential Costumes
* Amelia wil tesla Seyruun (with glayish as Zelgadiss)
Gonna TRY to get this done! Finally need to stop pushing it back...
* Zane Truesdale (or) Atticus Rhodes (with glayish as Alexis Rhodes)
Been meaning to cosplay more YGO GX! Though I don't have the GX dueldisk haha OTL.
I'm thinking we'll do either one or the other to cosplay as a pair... it's just getting so hard to choose tag teams OTL.
* Young Son Gohan
So I've been saying I'd cosplay this version of Gohan for YEARS. I've had an XL punky wig saved up and stored for ages just to do this. This is so damn easy I just never got around to it OTL. Anyway I've got the wig in progress! So this should be done simply. I'll wear it to bum around in alone unless I end up bringing something else to cosplay with somebody.
* Nyotalia North Italy
Hell lol, can't convince glayish or _anatra_ to cosplay Nyotalia with me XD;; They've cosplayed more than enough Hetalia already to pander to me lmao; OTL.
Really just have to figure out what to finish;;;
Anyway it'd be nice to see people on the East Coast U.S.A. again, considering Otakon was kind of immensely fail for meeting up.
Totally missed the Toronto Cosplay Skating get together this past Saturday (lol sleep schedule is fucked from staying up till 5am), but managed to get downtown for some Japanese food with SutekiGo, Aerialdown, Iggyboo, LiquidCocaine-Photography, and Kaiser-Mony! We did some quick karaoke afterward then went home. The weather in Toronto has been beautiful considering it's January o_0!
In other news, made it to Season 3 of Star Trek: The Original Series (and got the Star Trek movies on Blu-Ray for boxing week), so I'm plowing through yesteryear. It's funny, the Star Trek (2009) J.J. Abrams movie (AND ITS SEQUEL WHICH BEGINS FILMING THIS WEEK) is what made me want to watch ST: TOS in the first place.... (I grew up with The Next Generation, DS9, and Voyager) .... but the MORE I watch the original, the LESS I like what was done with the script and especially Spock in the rebooted movie. They fucked up his character so bad. Even though the actor Zachary Quinto looked the part and did a great job, it just seems like it was way too much to change for Spock. seriously? giving Spock romantic interludes with Uhura? Ruins the whole classic McCoy vs Spock banter on feelings. Not to mention there was a serious lack of a political and socially just message for humanity. A lot of action and amazing scenes, but, it's not Star Trek: TOS unless there is some kind of allegory for the current political discourse.
>:U ffff.
Anyway, I also started watching the BBC series Sherlock. WHY? Because my Tumblr dash has been full of Sherlock since I got it, and Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock) is cast as a lead in the Star Trek rebooted movie sequel. I had to see what was going on with that... and wow LOL. I didn't realise that all the .gifs and slashy quotes were actually REAL. Not that I'm slashing indiscriminately until I watch more, but I can see why it's gotten so popular.
TBH I never watched Sherlock because I disliked the Sherlock Holmes movie starring Robert Downey Jr. & Jude Law. But I'm liking the BBC television series, if only because it's not steam-punk theme'd.